Indian Pariah Dog

Vital Stats

The Indian Pariah dog is the landrace of Indian dogs. In other words, they’re the original aboriginal dog breed of the country. These are the dogs that humans first encountered as they spread across the Indian sub-continent tens of thousands of years ago.

Many people think that Pariah Dog is just the name for the urban street dogs of India; a mongrel breed of little consequence. While many Pariahs have found homes on the streets of modern urban India, they are much more than mangy mutts scrabbling in the trash. In fact, they are the genetic ancestors of all native Indian dogs.

The Indian Pariah Dog is one of the most friendliest of all Indian breeds. Despite their primitive nature, they are actually very social dogs. They get along with both children and other dogs fairly well with early socialization. The only concern is if you own a smaller (toy) dog and/or pet. In this case, they may possibly bully them.

They love to please their owners and are relatively intelligent dogs. Even novice owners and trainers will be able to train these dogs effectively. As long as you show love and support, they will do your bidding.

Dog Breed Group



14 to 28 Kg


18 inches to 25 inches tall

Life Span

12 to 15 years

Indian Pariah Dog Characteristics



In opposition to prevalent thinking, little size doesn’t really a condo canine make. A lot of little canines are excessively high-energy and yappy for life in an elevated structure. Hushing up, low energy, genuinely quiet inside, and well mannered with different residents are great characteristics in an apartment dog.

Breeds with exceptionally short covers and almost no undercoat or body fat, like Greyhounds, are helpless against the cold. Canines with a low cool resistance need to live inside in cool environments and ought to have a coat or sweater for cold strolls.

Canines who are exceptionally delicate, free reasoning, or decisive might be more difficult for a first-time frame canine parent to make due. You’ll get your best match if you consider your canine possessing experience as you pick your new dog.

How effectively a breed handles change. This can include changes for everyday environments, clamor, climate, day to day plan, and different varieties in everyday life.



How inviting a breed is probably going to be towards outsiders. A few varieties will be saved or mindful around all outsiders, no matter what the area, while different varieties will be glad to meet another human at whatever point one is near!

How energetic about play a breed is probably going to be, even past the period of puppyhood. A few varieties will keep needing to play back-and-forth or fetch well into their grown-up years, while others will be glad to simply loosen up on the lounge chair with you more often than not.

A breed’s inclination to caution you that outsiders are near. These breeds are bound to respond to any likely danger, whether it’s the postal carrier or a squirrel outside the window. These varieties are probably going to warm to outsiders who go into the house and are acknowledged by their loved ones.

How much mental excitement a breed needs to remain blissful and healthy. Reason reared canines can have occupations that require navigation, critical thinking, fixation, or different characteristics, and without the cerebrum practice they need, they’ll make their own undertakings to keep their brains occupied – – and they presumably won’t be the sort of activities you’d like.



Canine coats come in a wide range of types, contingent upon the variety’s purpose. Each coat type accompanies different prepping needs, allergen potential, and shedding level. You may likewise favor the look or feel of specific coat types over others while picking a family pet.

How long the variety’s coat is supposed to be. A few long-haired varieties can be managed short, yet this will require extra upkeep to keep up with

How much fur and hair you can anticipate that the breed should shed. Breeds with high shedding should be brushed all the more much of the time, are bound to set off particular kinds of sensitivities, and are bound to require consistent vacuuming and lint-rolling.

How regularly a variety requires washing, brushing, managing, or different sorts of coat upkeep. Consider how long, tolerance, and financial plan you have for this sort of care while taking a peek at the prepping exertion required. All breeds require customary nail managing.

How slobber inclined a breed will in general be. Assuming you’re a perfect oddity, canines that can leave ropes of drool on your arm or huge wet spots on your garments may not be the ideal decision for you.



Most Pariah dogs have a tail that curls back on their body. The tail can also vary, as some are straighter and some longer. Their tails are usually quite fluffy and the fur on their body is short and sometimes glossy.

A stocky and short breed, they are tough and muscular when exercised. Their heads are wedge shaped with a pointed muzzle. With dark brown eyes that can sometimes go to gold, they have a distinctive look with their almond-shaped eyes.

With pricked ears that are usually facing forward, they have something of a fox look to them. A Pariah dog can grow up to 25 inches tall and weigh up to 66 pounds, so they are considered to be dense creatures.

They can live in good health for a long time with a lifespan of up to 15 years. With modern medicine and diets, they will probably live longer. These dogs managed to survive in the wild without puppy vaccination and medical treatment. Imagine how well they’ll fare with regular check ups at the local animal hospital.


Even though they are capable of being very aggressive with intruders or people they see as a threat to their pack or territory, they are generally very gentle animals. Pariahs are wonderful with children if they have been socialized, even young children who can make the mistake of pulling their tails or grabbing a painful handful of fur. If they are brought up with a family, they will be very protective of their pack and make very good guard dogs.

Generally, the Pariah Dog is not much of a threat to other pets. But as with many guard dogs, they can be a threat to smaller dog breeds and toy varieties, who can look like lunch to them. While keeping other pets in the household is not advised, they generally get on OK with cats and other dogs. Early socialization is highly recommended in these cases.


The Pariah Dog does not need brushing very often and will not shed excessively. You will find hairs around your home but not many compared to many other dog breeds. Indian Pariahs do not drool and rarely need bathing. Only the most basic dog grooming practices are needed for these dogs.

An excellent feature of the Pariah is their lack of odor: they have fewer oil glands in their skin and do not produce much of a smell as a result. Many owners go as far as saying they don’t smell like dogs, but rather like human.

Excellent Guard Dogs

They may not make the cut for a police or military dog breed, but they can certainly hold their own. As guard dogs, they are prepared to bark at any perceived threat. This can be annoying, but they are generally not yappy dogs. Their barks are serving a definite purpose, such as notifying you of an intruder.

Keep in mind that these dogs aren’t the biggest guard dogs. They aren’t as fierce and intimidating as the Bakharwal or Pandikona, but they will fight for you. It’s probably better to think of them as dogs that’ll alert you of anything unordinary happening on your territory.


Recommended daily amount: 2 to 3 cups of high-quality dry food a day, divided into two meals.

NOTE: How much your adult dog eats depends on their size, age, build, metabolism, and activity level. Dogs are individuals, just like people, and they don’t all need the same amount of food. It almost goes without saying that a highly active dog will need more than a couch potato dog. The quality of dog food you buy also makes a difference–the better the dog food, the further it will go toward nourishing your dog and the less of it you’ll need to shake into your dog’s bowl.

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