Food Items are Forbidden for Dogs

Toxic Food Items For Your Dogs

You probably would like to share the delicious dishes with your pup, no one can resist their puppy-eyes. But, as a dog parent we have to say “NO” to our pooch. Some food items are forbidden for our pup as they cause health problems in short term as well as long term manner. Even if your pup ate these items without any signs of health problems they could be causing serious problems in a slow process and we can’t see the symptoms yet. Here are a few food items you must say “NO” for to your furry companion.


The food item most commonly known and on the top of our list. Chocolate contains a chemical highly toxic to dogs, Theobromine it is not harmful to humans. Consuming these, can cause your pup to vomit. It can cause diarrhea, make it thirsty or in extreme cases seizures, abnormal heart rate, tremors, increased urination and even death. The problems depend on your pooch’s weight and amount of item ingested. Remember cocoa powder, semisweet baked chocolates, dark chocolates, milk chocolates are most dangerous and white chocolate is the least dangerous item.

Salty food items

it is often said that popcorns are harmful for dogs. But its only if it has salt. Salt in your pooch’s diet can cause sodium ion poisoning, high body temperatures, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures and bloating. Salt can be a life threatening substance in your pup’s diet.

Garlic and onions

In small amounts garlic can be safe but if in significant amounts it will be poisonous for your pup. Since garlic belongs to the onion family, it is toxic for dogs, because it contains sulfoxides and disulfides which damages the red blood cells in their body causing Anemia. Your pup may have difficulty in breathing, vomiting or weakness.

Raw meat, eggs & fish

Raw fish may carry parasites which may cause serious diseases. The raw eggs have enzymes which are unhealthy for their. Raw meat might get contaminated by bacteria and cause food poisoning. Many vets argue if raw meat and fish are healthy for our furry companions. It is recommended not to feed your pooch raw meat, eggs or fish as there is probability of food borne diseases.


Alcohol is very dangerous for your pup. It will cause weak breathing, lack of coordination, coma or even death and yes intoxication.

Dairy products

Dogs are lactose intolerant beings some breeds may be more intolerant others may be less intolerant. They lack the enzymes which help in breaking down the milk sugars. Consuming dairy products may cause gastrointestinal disease, vomiting or diarrhea. The products which have high amounts of fats can cause pancreatitis.

Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins are toxic for your pooch, it can cause kidney failure. Even in small amounts it can cause your pooch to vomit. Vomit and lethargy are early symptoms. These eventually lead to death.

Sugary food items

The dangerouse substance caleed xylitol is present in sugary foods. This is the culprit for damaging the liver of your furry companion and drop in blood sugar levels. The symptoms are lethargy, seizures, vomiting and eventually death. Some peanut butters also contain xylitol, so check up on the ingredients while buying peanut butter.

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