Shih Tzu

Vital Stats

The name “Shih Tzu” means little lion, but there’s nothing fierce about this dog breed. This pooch is a lover, not a hunter.
Bred solely to be companion, Shih Tzus are affectionate, happy, outgoing house dogs who love nothing more than to follow their people from room to room. Since ancient times, they’ve made themselves comfortable on the laps of people from all walks of life, even emperors!
If you’re looking for a small best buddy who who can adapt to apartment living, join you on the couch for cuddles, and shower you with unconditional love, this may be the dog for you.

Dog Breed Group

Companion Dogs


9 to 10 inches tall


4 to 7 Kg

Life Span

10 to 16 years

Shih Tzu Characteristics



Contrary to popular belief, small size doesn’t necessarily an apartment dog make. Plenty of small dogs are too high-energy and yappy for life in a high-rise. Being quiet, low energy, fairly calm indoors, and polite with the other residents are all good qualities in an apartment dog.

Breeds with exceptionally short covers and almost no undercoat or body fat, like Greyhounds, are helpless against the cold. Canines with a low cool resistance need to live inside in cool environments and ought to have a coat or sweater for cold strolls.

Canines who are exceptionally delicate, free reasoning, or decisive might be more difficult for a first-time frame canine parent to make due. You’ll get your best match if you consider your canine possessing experience as you pick your new dog.

How easily a breed handles change. This can include changes in living conditions, noise, weather, daily schedule, and other variations in day-to-day life.



How inviting a breed is probably going to be towards outsiders. A few varieties will be saved or mindful around all outsiders, no matter what the area, while different varieties will be glad to meet another human at whatever point one is near!

How energetic about play a breed is probably going to be, even past the period of puppyhood. A few varieties will keep needing to play back-and-forth or fetch well into their grown-up years, while others will be glad to simply loosen up on the lounge chair with you more often than not.

A breed’s inclination to caution you that outsiders are near. These breeds are bound to respond to any likely danger, whether it’s the postal carrier or a squirrel outside the window. These varieties are probably going to warm to outsiders who go into the house and are acknowledged by their loved ones.

How much mental excitement a breed needs to remain blissful and healthy. Reason reared canines can have occupations that require navigation, critical thinking, fixation, or different characteristics, and without the cerebrum practice they need, they’ll make their own undertakings to keep their brains occupied – – and they presumably won’t be the sort of activities you’d like.



Canine coats come in a wide range of types, contingent upon the variety’s purpose. Each coat type accompanies different prepping needs, allergen potential, and shedding level. You may likewise favor the look or feel of specific coat types over others while picking a family pet.

How long the variety’s coat is supposed to be. A few long-haired varieties can be managed short, yet this will require extra upkeep to keep up with.

How much fur and hair you can anticipate that the breed should shed. Breeds with high shedding should be brushed all the more much of the time, are bound to set off particular kinds of sensitivities, and are bound to require consistent vacuuming and lint-rolling.

How regularly a variety requires washing, brushing, managing, or different sorts of coat upkeep. Consider how long, tolerance, and financial plan you have for this sort of care while taking a peek at the prepping exertion required. All breeds require customary nail managing.

How slobber inclined a breed will in general be. Assuming you’re a perfect oddity, canines that can leave ropes of drool on your arm or huge wet spots on your garments may not be the ideal decision for you.



the reason for the Shih Tzu was to be a mate – and that is exactly the very thing they need to be. They just longing to accompany you. So don’t anticipate that they should chase, gaurd, or retrieve; that is not their style.

Friendship is their prevailing trademark, and your lap is their beloved destination. They’re most joyful when they’re with their family, offering and getting attention.

All things considered, the Shih Tzu is definitely not a complete habitual slouch. They’re ready and vivacious and may bark at guests to their home. Just relax, however; they’ll befriend your visitors the moment they stroll inside.


There are three primary sorts: food allergies, which are treated by removing specific food sources from the canine’s eating regimen; contact allergies, which are made by a response to an effective substance, for example, bedding, insect powders, dog shampoos, or different synthetic compounds; and inhalant , which are allergies, brought about via airborne allergens like dust, residue, or mildew. Treatment might consist of dietary limitations, meds, and natural changes.


Suggested day to day sum: 1/2 to 1 cups of top notch dry food daily.

NOTE: How much your grown-up canine eats relies upon their size, age, build, digestion, and action level. Canines, very much like individuals, all don’t need a similar measure of food. It nearly should be obvious that a profoundly dynamic canine will require in excess of a habitually lazy canine. The nature of food you purchase for your canine likewise has an effect – the better the food, the further it will go toward nourishing your dog and the less of it you’ll have to bring into your dog’s bowl.


The long, luxurious Shih Tzu coat is exquisite, and it comes in many tones: black, black and white, or red and white. A white tip on the tail and a white blaze on the temple are profoundly valued.

if you groom you pup yourself, make the experience as lovely as probable for both you and your Shih Tzu, during the initial stages of puppyhood. All things considered, you will do this a great deal. While brushing, you need to ensure that you brush right down to the skin. Most experienced Shih Tzu custodians train their but canine to lie on their side while they brush the coat in areas; it’s simpler to brush that way and more agreeable for the canine.

At around ten to a year old enough, the Shih Tzu coat changes from pup cushion to a plush grown-up coat. During this stage, you’ll most likely think the coat mats quicker than you can brush. Try not to surrender! This is transitory, going on for around 90 days. When the grown-up coat comes in completely, brushing gets more straightforward.

The Shih Tzu’s nails ought to be managed every month, and their ears are to be examined every seven days for soil, redness, or a terrible scent that can demonstrate a disease. Clear them out week by week with a cotton ball hosed with delicate, pH-adjusted ear cleaner to forestall issues. Hair develops inside the Shih Tzu’s ear waterway, and this occasionally should be culled in the event that the canine gets a ton of ear contaminations.

The Shih Tuz’s face, similar to a baby’s, likewise needs everyday consideration. They get grimy subsequent to eating, and their eyes tear up promptly, so it’s important to wipe their face consistently with a delicate fabric hosed with warm water.

Many little varieties are inclined to dental issues, and the Shih Tzu is no special case: taking great consideration of their teeth is significant. Customary tooth brushing with a delicate toothbrush and pup toothpaste will keep their gums and teeth sound.

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