Spaying or Neutering of Dog’s

Spaying or Neutering

This is the most common query among new puppy owners. “What is dog sterilization?” and “When your furry buddy is ready for it?’ In this article we try to answer all the quires regarding your dogs spayed or neutered.

What is the main difference between spay or neuter?

“Spaying,” or “ovariohysterectomy”, is a surgical procedure performed by veterinarians under general anaesthesia. This procedure involves removal of female dog’s uterus and both ovaries through an incision made in the abdomen. Sterilization can also be performed laparoscopically with ovariectomies.

“Neutering,” or “castration” is the surgical procedure of removing of a male dog’s testes. This can be performed by the veterinarians under general anaesthesia, it is not as complexed as spay. By making an incision near the front of the scrotum to remove the testicles.

Right age to spay or neuter my dog?

Spay or neuter can be done at on puppies when they are few months old but it can alter the hormones and lead towards some serious medical issues. So, the write time to sterilize you dog is after closing the growth plate. In major dog breeds growth plate closes between 9 to 11 months but it’s good to refer your breeder and veterinary for evaluating the right age for the surgical procedure.

Disadvantage of Neutering and spaying

The obesity is the only major concern because sterilization reduces the metabolism. But with balance diet and daily physical activity you can prevent your dog. This surgery is not life threatening if performed by veterinary at the right age. There is no alternate procedure currently available except surgery. But you can consult veterinary for latest development in sterilizing procedure.

Why should I spay or neuter my dog?

Prevent unwanted puppies

If you have a female dog then you don’t want unplanned puppies. Every year female dogs come into heat (breading season) twice or for several weeks. This is the time when male dog can smell the scent from far away. This can bring unwanted visitor in your premises and if you are not alert, they might produce puppies. Your dog need veterinary care during pregnancy and delivery can be complicated and expensive too.
Breeding should always be done under the supervision of professional breeders because they have all the knowledge and details of genetics. They will find the right mate for your dog for the best quality puppies at right time.

Reduce Health Risks

Spaying reduces the risk of certain health problems like Unspayed females are more prone to develop life threating infections and sever pain in their uterus called pyometra. Spaying your female dogs also reduces the risk of mammary tumour. Similarly Neutering your male dog can reduce the risk of testicular cancer and many more life threatening diseases such as prostate disease.

Behaviour issues with dogs

A sterilised male dog has less desire to wander and also reduces anger or aggression in older dogs.

How can I do while recovering after spaying or neutering a dog?

Day One

The side effects of anaesthesia, tiredness and pain will make him angry and anxious. Try to make him comfortable and give some me time to recovery. Keep him away from kids and other dogs if you have and don’t allow strangers near him.

Two weeks care

Both male or female dog need minimum two weak recovery time because the incision made on male dog is almost of same size as the female dogs. They need 24X7 supervision during this healing period. If not possible for you to take care of your pet you can certainly hire a pet sitter for them.

Keep a close eye for any complication

Make sure to use protective collar so they don’t lick and they don’t break stiches.
Keep a close watch on stiches if redness around the incision or swelling spread consult veterinary immediately.
Other important observations are signs of pain like whimpering and blood in urine or stool

Control their activities

Keep your dogs in a separate area and allow only mandatory activities even if they seem like they’re back to normal.
If you have other dogs as well keep them away till 14 days.
Avoid bathing but if you think they need a bath use dry shampoo.

Other causes for spaying or neutering a dog?


  1. Spaying can treat irregular period or abnormal cycles due to ovarian cysts.
  2. Diabetes can be treated by sterilizing your dog.
  3. Treatment of uterine infection (pyometra) or cancer.
  4. Dystocia (difficult birthing) or post cesarean-section surgery.


  1. the operation may be performed to treat testicular tumour.
  2. Neutering can treat some prostate gland conditions as well.
  3. It is also used to control hormonal (testosterone) diseases such as perianal adenomas.

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