
Vital Stats

Dachshunds are scent hound canines reproduced to chase badgers and other burrowing creatures, bunnies, and foxes. Trackers even utilized packs of Dachshunds to trail wild hog. Today their adaptability makes them incredible family mates, show dogs, and little game trackers.


In any case, don’t allow this little guy to trick you. Canines of this breed may be, as unbelievable scholarly pundit and comical however this little, drop-eared canine is sufficiently extreme to take on a badger. As a matter of fact, that is the way they got their name (Dachs significance badger; hund meaning dog).


Nonetheless, you might know them by one of their many epithets, including Wiener Dog, Sausage Dog, Doxie, and that’s just the beginning. if you’re looking a little dog who will keep you on your toes and give you love, this might be an ideal variety for you.

Dog Breed Group

Hound Dogs


7 to 14 Kg


8 inches to 9 inches tall

Life Span

12 to 15 years

Dachshund Characteristics



Contrary to popular belief, small size doesn’t necessarily an apartment dog make. Plenty of small dogs are too high-energy and yappy for life in a high-rise. Being quiet, low energy, fairly calm indoors, and polite with the other residents are all good qualities in an apartment dog.

Breeds with exceptionally short covers and almost no undercoat or body fat, like Greyhounds, are helpless against the cold. Canines with a low cool resistance need to live inside in cool environments and ought to have a coat or sweater for cold strolls.

Canines who are exceptionally delicate, free reasoning, or decisive might be more difficult for a first-time frame canine parent to make due. You’ll get your best match if you consider your canine possessing experience as you pick your new dog.

How easily a breed handles change. This can include changes in living conditions, noise, weather, daily schedule, and other variations in day-to-day life.



How inviting a breed is probably going to be towards outsiders. A few varieties will be saved or mindful around all outsiders, no matter what the area, while different varieties will be glad to meet another human at whatever point one is near!

How energetic about play a breed is probably going to be, even past the period of puppyhood. A few varieties will keep needing to play back-and-forth or fetch well into their grown-up years, while others will be glad to simply loosen up on the lounge chair with you more often than not.

A breed’s inclination to caution you that outsiders are near. These breeds are bound to respond to any likely danger, whether it’s the postal carrier or a squirrel outside the window. These varieties are probably going to warm to outsiders who go into the house and are acknowledged by their loved ones.

How much mental excitement a breed needs to remain blissful and healthy. Reason reared canines can have occupations that require navigation, critical thinking, fixation, or different characteristics, and without the cerebrum practice they need, they’ll make their own undertakings to keep their brains occupied – – and they presumably won’t be the sort of activities you’d like.



Canine coats come in a wide range of types, contingent upon the variety’s purpose. Each coat type accompanies different prepping needs, allergen potential, and shedding level. You may likewise favor the look or feel of specific coat types over others while picking a family pet.

How long the variety’s coat is supposed to be. A few long-haired varieties can be managed short, yet this will require extra upkeep to keep up with.

How much fur and hair you can anticipate that the breed should shed. Breeds with high shedding should be brushed all the more much of the time, are bound to set off particular kinds of sensitivities, and are bound to require consistent vacuuming and lint-rolling.

How regularly a variety requires washing, brushing, managing, or different sorts of coat upkeep. Consider how long, tolerance, and financial plan you have for this sort of care while taking a peek at the prepping exertion required. All breeds require customary nail managing.

How slobber inclined a breed will in general be. Assuming you’re a perfect oddity, canines that can leave ropes of drool on your arm or huge wet spots on your garments may not be the ideal decision for you.



The Dachshund is depicted as cunning, enthusiastic, and valiant to the place of carelessness. He’s reared for persistence, which is one more approach to saying that he can be obstinate. Dachshunds have gained notoriety for being engaging and brave, yet what they need most is to snuggle with their kin. For the majority Dachshund individuals, this trademark offsets managing the variety’s emphasis on having his own specific manner. The Dachshund character can likewise change with coat type. Since the wirehaired Dachshunds have terrier in their experience, they can be devilish agitators. Longhairs are quiet and calm, and Smooths have a character that lies some in the middle between. A few Mini Dachshunds can be shy or timid, however this isn’t right for the variety.

Like each canine, Dachshunds need early socialization-openness to a wide range of individuals, sights, sounds, and encounters when they’re youthful. Socialization guarantees that your Dachshund little pup grows up to be a balanced canine. Enlisting him in a doggy kindergarten class is an extraordinary beginning. Welcoming guests over regularly, and taking him to crowded parks, stores that permit dog, and on relaxed walks around meet neighbors will likewise assist him with sharpening his interactive abilities.


Not all Dachshunds will get any or these sicknesses, however it’s essential to know about them if you’re thinking about this breed.

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
  • Epilepsy
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
  • Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) Also called Bloat or Torsion
  • Cushings Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism)
  • Canine Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
  • Deafness


Suggested day to day sum: 1/2 to 11/2 cups of top notch dry food a day

NOTE: How much your grown-up canine eats relies upon their size, age, build, digestion, and action level. Canines, very much like individuals, all don’t need a similar measure of food. It nearly should be obvious that a profoundly dynamic canine will require in excess of a habitually lazy canine. The nature of food you purchase for your canine likewise has an effect – the better the food, the further it will go toward nourishing your dog and the less of it you’ll have to bring into your dog’s bowl.


The Smooth Dachshund’s coat is short and gleaming. Single-shaded Smooth Dachshunds generally are red or cream, probably for certain dark hairs. Two-hued Smooth Dachshunds as a rule are dark, chocolate, wild pig (grizzled), grey (blue) or Isabella (grovel) with tan or cream markings. Dappled Dachshunds have a dappled (merle) design in their fluff, with light and dull hued regions in even dispersion (neither the light nor the dark dominates). Though dark eyes are required and almost white hair on the chest is satisfactory for strong and partly hued Dachshunds, moderately or entirely blue eyes and a lot of white hair on the chest both OK for the dappled Dachshunds. Other variety designs are spotted, in which there are dim stripes all around the body, and sable, where there is a general dark overlay of hair.

Longhaired Dachshunds have flickering, pretty wavy long hair which gives them an exquisite appearance. They come in similar varieties tracked down in Smooth Dachshunds.

Light-hued Dachshunds typically sport light gray, light hazel, green or blue eyes, instead of the different shades of brown. They can likewise have eyes of two unique tones; in uncommon cases, like the twofold dapple tinge (in which fluctuating measures of white shading happen over the body notwithstanding the dapple design), Dachshunds can have a blue and natural colored eye.

Dachshunds are a low-upkeep breed. They shed, yet not unnecessarily. Except if they’ve moved in something that smells horrible, they for the most part needn’t bother with to be washed frequently and are liberated from dog scent. Smooths can be cleaned with a damp material between showers to keep them clean.

Longhaired Dachshunds should be brushed consistently to keep mats from shaping. They should be washed more frequently than the Smooth Dachshund, and you should blow-dry them a while later for their to look great.

For all assortments and sizes of Dachshunds, you really want to really focus on their drooping ears, which can be a favorable place for parasite, microscopic organisms, and bugs. Dabble a cotton ball with an ear cleaner suggested by your veterinarian and wipe the ears out every week. Try not to go any more profound than the primary knuckle on your finger and don’t stick a cotton swab into your canine’s ear.

Other grooming needs constitutes nail care and dental cleanliness. Trimming your Dachshund’s nails once or twice a month is highly recommended.

Clean the teeth no less than a few times each week

As you groom, check for bruises, rashes, or indications of contamination like redness, tenderness, or irritation on the skin, in the ears, nose, mouth, and eyes, and on the feet. It would be ideal for ears to smell pleasant, without an excess of wax or gunk inside, and eyes ought to be clear, with no redness or release. Your cautious week by week check-up will assist you with spotting potential medical issues early.

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